Discovering Plastics together with TEPPFA and Pipelife

Learn more how flexibility, longevity, performance, strength are all made possible by plastic pipes!

A major multinational awareness campaign, championing the suitability of plastic pipe systems for subterranean sewer applications, has been launched to inform and inspire the civil engineering and utilities sectors. Discover: Plastics celebrates the flexibility, longevity and strength of plastic pipes – as well as their ease and speed of installation – drawing on more than 20 years of independent research.

Curated by TEPPFA, the European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association and in partnership with 4 National Associations, Discover: Plastics drives awareness of the natural suitability of plastic pipes for sewer and stormwater applications. It also shines a light on real-life case studies from across Europe, showcasing how plastic pipe systems have been successfully deployed in many challenging situations, and are continuing to function decades after their installation.

At the centre of the campaign is a dedicated knowledge hub – a specialist microsite – which brings together the results of multiple wide-ranging studies into the performance and behaviour of plastic pipes when used for sewers. These studies include the 100 Year Service Life of Gravity Sewer Pipes report, which investigated the effects of traffic loading and strain, corrosion and other factors on plastic pipes in both field conditions and laboratory testing. Independently reviewed by an expert from the world of academia, the project proved that a 100 year in-service lifetime could be confidently predicted for EN-compliant plastic pipes.

Floris Bordewijk in his capacity as Chairman of the Applications Group Civils at TEPPFA explained: “Following an intensive piece of market research which revealed the most important considerations that specifiers take into account, TEPPFA has collated the results of many years of investigation and study to create Discover: Plastics. For decades, we have invested substantially in excavating existing systems to assess their longevity; undertaking controlled lab research to quantify the benefits of flexibility; and subjected plasticpipes to continual hours of strength testing. In addition, we have enlisted the expertise of many independent bodies who have provided verification for our work.We know civil engineers are passionate about the quality of their designs, and by collating this wide range of compelling evidence, we can demonstrate that plastics display all the qualities required of a long-lasting sewer pipe system.”

Ludo Debever, General Manager of TEPPFA and also Chairman of the TEPPFA Working Group Communications commented: “Over the past decades TEPPFA, together with its members, has carried out an enormous amount of research into below-ground plastic pipes.  In spite of the fact that the research showed plastic pipes outperformed traditional materials in many fields such as longevity, strength, flexibility and ease and speed of installation, our members are often confronted with misconceptions on the performance of plastic pipes among specifiers and civil engineers. The campaign is therefore aimed at setting the record straight on plastic and at enabling specifiers and civil engineers to better understand the benefits of plastics as a valuable material for pipes.”  

Zoran Davidovski, R&D and Innovation Officer at Pipelife and also Chairman of the TEPPFA Working Group Health, Safety and Environment commented:

Plastic pipe technology is vastly improving public health and welfare. It is increasing the quality and quantity of drinking water, above every other pipe material, thanks to its long life of 100 years, its flexibility in installation, strength when underground and performance in all aspects. This is why Pipelife – as an active member of TEPPFA – is working together with our customers, designers and users to improve their knowledge to discover the benefits of plastic piping.”


The campaign comes to life at:



TEPPFA is The European Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association founded in 1991 with headquarters in Brussels. TEPPFA’s 10 multinational company members and 14 national associations across Europe represent 350 companies that manufacture plastic pipes and fittings.   TEPPFA’s members have an annual production volume of 3 million tonnes directly employing 40,000 people with € 12 billion combined annual sales. TEPPFA positions itself as plastic material neutral.

Its final products are subdivided into 3 application groups:1.  Building & Construction (Hot & cold water supply, central heating, waste water discharge and rainwater drainage) 2. Civil Engineering (Below ground pipe systems for sewers, stormwater management, sub soil drainage and cable ducting 3. Utilities (Pressure pipe systems for distribution of drinking water and gas)

More info: TEPPFA aisbl, Avenue de Cortenbergh 71, BE-1000 Brussels –

Press contact: Ludo Debever, General Manager T:+32-488 920 145/+32-273 62406; E:[email protected]/[email protected]